Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Kuen-Hye Hong_ My study room

Thank god ~ Finally I finished this project!I don't know why it doesn't work everytime i render my work..Back to my project! I chose my 'study room' as a place. It's becasue i spend more than 10hours in a day to do some assignments, eat something, and for daydreaming. When im working on my projects, I believe this rectagular space gathers all the energies to strengthen me and makes me to concentrate on my work. To explore this kind of energetic and joyfull feelings i chose bright colours and animated the lines, and i found the music which is composed with the 'super mario's effect sounds. Anyway..Enjoy..


Joel Zika said...

Very good! I love the different perspectives of the space. Also very fun! Great work.

Joel Zika said...
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